Cars Donated to Iredell-Statesville SchoolsAs a thank you to our students for participating in the Ford social media challenge our students received a thank you from Ford Motor Co...
Love United Iredell – 14 Days of Local ImpactLove United Iredell is a 14-day fundraiser (April 11-25th) that unites a community around local causes and nonprofits.
206 Cooper Street, Suite 1012000 sq ft office space for $1600 a month
120 West Broad StreetFirst Floor Retail - $2000 a month (utilities included)
Richard J. Harris, A Beloved StatesvillianFrom the book Preserving Our Heritage Copyright © 1998 Republished with permission from Secure Development CorporationA young lad, but 1...
United Way’s Endowment for the Future receives a Substan... Sponsored by United Way of Iredell CountyStatesville native Mary Dawne Clark has joined the Legacy Circle with a substantial planned gif...
Mr. Quick: Journey To The Top Of Depot HillArticle by Cynthia Carson-Turner From the book Preserving Our Heritage Copyright © 1998 Republished with permission from Secure Devel...