Making the Most of Your Minutes Small business owners usually have more on their to-do lists than there is time in the day. If becoming more productiv...
The Iredell Council on AgingIf you’re looking for resources for older adults, The Iredell Council on Aging (Iredell COA) is the place for you. With a range...
Statesville Year End 2022 - Costi KuttehAs I reflect on 2022, I am filled with gratitude and thanks.  Thanks for the 500 people that work for the City of Statesville and what...
Mrs. Nina Laney, EC TeacherMrs. Nina Laney is an Exceptional Children Teacher here at American Renaissance School in Downtown Statesville.
City of Statesville Holiday Schedule for Christmas & New... City of Statesville offices will be closed Monday, December 26th and Tuesday, December 27th in recognition of the Christmas holiday.
A sneeze can travel up to 100 mph!Did you know that a cough can travel as fast as 50mph? Our school Wellness Committee is an advisory group that focuses on the health an...
Students visit downtown businesses to spread a little Ch... American Renaissance students visit downtown businesses for Christmas Caroling this week and dress in their favorite holiday clothing!
Executive Director, Cindy Sutton on 'We're Just Sayin' w... Listen in as Senator Vickie Sawyer interviews the Statesville Convention & Visitors Bureau Executive Director, Cindy Sutton.  Learn a li...