Inaugural ShamRock & Run 5k in Downtown StatesvilleDowntown Statesville Development Corporation is hosting the first annual ShamRock & Run 5k on March 18, 2023. The run takes place in bea...
The Earnest Choice for Tree Service & LandscapingBrandon Earnest, of Earnest Tree Service & Landscaping, started his company over 10 years ago in 2011. His main goal is to provide solut...
Denso Manufacturing Job Fair March 3rdDenso Manufacturing Job Fair March 3rd - 9 AM to 4 PM At 470 Crawford Road, Statesville Multi job opportunities - competitive wages & be...
Statesville Fire Department Celebrates Employee AchievementsThe Statesville Fire Department held its annual awards banquet on February 24 at the Statesville Civic Center honoring 22 individuals fo...
The ‘Ville Social District Officially Opens in Downtown ... The City of Statesville’s downtown social district, The ‘Ville, will officially open on Friday, February 10. TheSocial Districtallows pe...
School Newsletter: February 27 - March 3, 2023School Newsletter for American Renaissance School in Downtown Statesville, NC for February 27 - March 3, 2023.
Iredell Adult Day Services Thanks FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHHebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” On Sunday, February 5, ...
Your Body’s Silent Killer: High Blood PressureMonday, February 27, 2023 Have you been told you have high blood pressure? If so, it may have come as a surprise, considering you probab...
Piedmont HealthCare Welcomes Shawn Walls, DO to Davie In... February 27, 2023 (Statesville, NC) - Piedmont HealthCare welcomes Dr. Shawn Walls to PHC Davie Internal Medicine in Statesville. Dr. Wa...