Meet Daisy, Animal Ambassador
We knew our time with Daisy could be limited, however, we did not realize how quickly she would be ready to gain her wings.
On October 9th, there were some abrupt changes to the tumors that Daisy was living with and it was clear that she was uncomfortable. Our number one goal at Rescue Ranch is to provide each and every animal here with the best quality of life possible. Unfortunately for our hearts, the kindest thing we could do for Daisy was to humanely euthanize her. We wish we could have had many more years to love her, but during her short time with us she made a huge impact on not only the staff, but guest as well.
Before bringing Miss Daisy to the Ranch, we first needed to build a new fence to be able to separate her from the rest of the barnyard animals and have her fully assessed by a veterinarian. During her initial vet visit, it was clear that Miss Daisy needed help. She had severe swelling on the right side of her face with visible, raised lesions. Miss Daisy was incredibly calm and patient while Dr. Lia McCoy examined her and took several radiographs to give us a better understanding of what was going on internally. Biopsies were also taken from the lesions and sent off to the lab.
Miss Daisy is currently scheduled for an appointment at the NC State Vet School to give us a better understanding on how we should move forward with providing her with the best care and quality of life possible.
In the meantime, Miss Daisy is busy being cared for diligently by staff and volunteers and receiving all the love and treats she can handle! She is a sweet soul and has been described as a "Velcro" donkey - following you around and making subtle noises, making sure you know she is there. We keep in touch with our amazing vets and are doing everything we can to make her comfortable and to make sure she knows she is in a safe and loving place.
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Rescue Ranch
1424 Turnersburg Hwy.
Statesville, NC 28625
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 8:00am- 4:00pm