Statesville Historic Preserevation Commission March 27, 2025 Meeting Agenda

DATE: February 20, 2025

TO: Statesville Historic Preservation Commission

CC: Sherry Ashley, Planning Director; Herman Caulder, Assistant Planning Director

FROM: Marci Sigmon, Planner II

SUBJECT: Regular Meeting


The Statesville Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a regular meeting on March 27th, 2025, beginning at 7:00pm. The meeting will be located at 227 South Center Street in the Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor.


1. Welcome

2. Roll Call

3. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA25-05) from Thomas Kincaid to place a fence in the front yard on the property located at 329 Davie Avenue; Tax Map 4744-17-2391.

4. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA25-06) from Jae and Melonie Ellenburg to build a new deck, patio and chimney in the rear side yard and convert an existing window into a French door on the structure located at 419 Davie Avenue; Tax Map 4744-17-5536.

5. Consider continuing Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-04) from RN Homes to place wood siding in place of a window on the first-floor rear elevation, modify a south elevation window, and remodel the second-floor rear porch area with wood siding on the structure located at 613 South Mulberry Street; Tax Map 4734-93-6147.

6. Consider continuing Certificate of Appropriateness (COA25-04) from Clear Capital Investment Group LLC, represented by Shane Haffey, to replace the flooring on the wrap-around front porch, install wood railings on the wrap-around front/side porch, eliminate the rear window on the north elevation, install a side door and small elevated deck with stairs on the north elevation, and retain the rear elevation door facing south on the property located at 300 Kelly Street; Tax Map 4734-86-9935.

7. Other Business

8. Adjournment

Originally posted by City of Statesville via Locable